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Kentucky Students
Yes on Amendment 2!

Supporting our Students
Parents Deserve a Choice for their Children

Financial Support for Educational Choice

Are you passionate about educational choice? Do you want to help support a ballot measure to amend the Kentucky State Constitution and provide financial support for students in addition to public school? Vote Yes on Amendment 2!


Contact us today to learn how you can get involved.

To get involved, please sign up below or, you can assist us financially by donating to the cause here: 

Parental Choice for a Better Future

We believe that parents should have the right and ability to make better choices surrounding their child's education. Supporting Amendment 2 will provide financial support for students in addition to public schools, so every child has access to the education they deserve. 

Supporting Student Success

Kentucky Students First is dedicated to supporting student success through educational choice. We believe that every child should have access to the education that best suits their needs, which is why we're supporting Amendment 2 to the Kentucky State Constitution to provide financial support for students in addition to public schools. 

Vote YES on Kentucky Amendment 2
on November 5th, 2024!

Get Involved

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Contact Us:


657 S Hurstbourne Pkwy.

Suite D260

Louisville, KY 40222

Vote YES on Amendment 2!

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